42/100 Jake MMA Alpha Fighter Brotherhood by J. S. Cooke and Harper Whitmore

JakeThis is the first of a serial novel about the character Jake and his various….romances?  Well sexual encounters actually, until he becomes interested in a particular young woman.  Okay, he sleeps around to make himself feel better about his deplorable relationship with his father.  I’m going to ruin the ending of this novel, he thinks that the newest girl that he has become involved with is different, not because he took the time to get to know her…nope, because he can remember her name.  I think this says everything about why this book is not worth reading, if the main reason he thinks he’s fallen in love (that is implied not stated) is that he can remember her name.  I’m in the mood to rant about the state of morals in America so I’m going to leave my review here.  The description of the novel made the character seem like he had quite a bit of depth, I guess that the ‘graphic’ descriptor should have warned me that this is more about sensual things than plot.  Not great, if you are in the mood for something like this then great, if not skip it.

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