12/100 Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews

This third book in the Kate Daniels series is amazing.ā€‚ I have had a ton of fun listening to this series, Kate Daniels is great to follow along with as we learn about her history, family, and how she copes with daily life. This series is based on a post apocalyptic Atlanta where magic and technology alternate which is dominant at one time. Daniels belongs, in an unofficial capacity, to an organization based on keeping the peace and keeping people safe. In this book we learn more about her history and the history of the Beast Lord, who happens to be casually courting Daniels. They wind up breaking the first law he set down, and saving a bunch of people in the long run. If you’re looking for an adventure full of fun, drama, blood, gore, and angst then this is a great book for you.

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